Yesterday was rough in the land of tech support calls that just so happened to fall into my lap. Some were irritating, some were long, and some were both irritating and long. It’s not the worst day ever by far, but my sleep the night before wasn’t as restful as it could have been. Additionally I always lose one of my two hours to not be on call on Tuesday due to our team meetings.
About an hour and fifteen minutes into a call concerning a case I’d been working on for a couple months, I decided I needed a hug and a cookie. I announced as much to the intarwebs.
I didn’t expect him to drive all the way to my work and bring me a couple hugs, a kiss, two things of fancy chocolate, a large thing of milk, and a Nightwish CD. Even when he asked for the address I was a little skeptical, but he just did it.
I’m reminded of the song Vanilla Ice Cream from the musical She Loves Me. Someone who she fought with constantly brought her vanilla ice cream and she sees him in a whole new light at the tail end of a peculiar day and a weirder last night.
Was this his way of trying to make the sad part of last night better?
She Loves Me is a play that ends with all being well, two people in love, together finally. This is not the story of my life. I instead have someone who gives me so much attention, affection, gifts, etc. but won’t make any kind of commitment beyond getting together on a particular date.
I’m not used to random gifts like that, and I have to remember last night. No matter what his actions, he made himself clear. So here I am trying to make my emotions respond to what he said, not what he does. My logical mind knows this is just a gift, and yet…
“Ice cream. He brought me ice cream!
Vanilla Ice cream! Imagine that!”
But, I’m not Tsuyoshi from Kodomo no Omocha. He falls in love with Sana early in the series/manga just because she gave him Valentines chocolate, even though she gave chocolates to everyone.
I know it’s not vanilla ice cream. I actually don’t even like vanilla ice cream.
Still, it is nice to get gifts.
He Brought Me Ice Cream