Here are the stats for readers of my blog for about the past four months which you may find interesting:
Current Country Totals
From 1 Oct 2008 to 22 Jan 2009
United States (US) 1,462
Canada (CA) 123
United Kingdom (GB) 115
Germany (DE) 49
Brazil (BR) 28
Hungary (HU) 28
Australia (AU) 25
France (FR) 21
Poland (PL) 21
Puerto Rico (PR) 18
Netherlands (NL) 18
Italy (IT) 18
Spain (ES) 16
Mexico (MX) 16
Sweden (SE) 15
Belgium (BE) 14
Ireland (IE) 13
Denmark (DK) 12
Finland (FI) 10
Russian Federation (RU) 9
Romania (RO) 9
Japan (JP) 8
Israel (IL) 8
Argentina (AR) 8
Portugal (PT) 7
Europe (EU) 7
Singapore (SG) 7
Turkey (TR) 7
India (IN) 7
Chile (CL) 6
Switzerland (CH) 6
Colombia (CO) 6
Norway (NO) 6
Korea, Republic of (KR) 6
Philippines (PH) 6
Peru (PE) 5
Serbia (RS) 5
Indonesia (ID) 4
China (CN) 4
Czech Republic (CZ) 4
Thailand (TH) 4
Austria (AT) 4
Vietnam (VN) 4
Costa Rica (CR) 3
Greece (GR) 3
Slovakia (SK) 2
Malaysia (MY) 2
South Africa (ZA) 2
New Zealand (NZ) 2
Venezuela (VE) 2
El Salvador (SV) 2
Ukraine (UA) 2
Iceland (IS) 1
Paraguay (PY) 1
Uruguay (UY) 1
Lithuania (LT) 1
Latvia (LV) 1
Mauritius (MU) 1
Jamaica (JM) 1
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA) 1
Egypt (EG) 1
Iran, Islamic Republic of (IR) 1
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (LY) 1
Pakistan (PK) 1
Kuwait (KW) 1
Hong Kong (HK) 1
United Arab Emirates (AE) 1
Malta (MT) 1
Dominican Republic (DO) 1
Netherlands Antilles (AN) 1
Slovenia (SI) 1
Sri Lanka (LK) 1
Honduras (HN) 1
Panama (PA) 1
Bulgaria (BG) 1
Mongolia (MN) 1
There are several things I enjoy about these stats, but I think the lone fellow from Mongolia takes the cake.
I also admit I had to look up where Malta and Mauritius was and didn’t know anything about them.
For anyone who wants to know, I got some info from Wikipedia and I will share the juicy bits with you.
The Republic of Mauritius, is an island nation off the coast of Africa east of Madagascar. One of the coolest things I read about it is that there is a plan for Mauritius to become the first nation to have coast-to-coast wireless internet access. The wireless hot spot currently covers about 60% of the island and is accessible by about 70% of its population. Also, Mauritius was the only known habitat of the extinct Dodo bird.
Republic of Malta is an archipelago of seven islands off the coast of Italy in the Mediterranean Sea. All education is free there (which is always an obsession to us in the USA who start life off with debt to be educated) and Malta was ranked number 5 in the World Health Organization’s ranking of the world’s health systems (also an obsession to those of us in the USA who have periods in life with no health insurance). The official language of Malta is Maltese which I didn’t even know was a language.
I hope this has been educational for everyone. Thank you all for stopping by!
Tag Archives: internet
FourmRuler & Writing is Born
I attribute my writing to a natural result of reading so much, but the internet surely played a large role as well. I started writing once upon a time in the (then) magical land of Compuserve. Sure, before that I wrote long posts and emails and even sort of ‘message role played’- but it was just communicating thoughts and words. It didn’t occur to me that I was writing stories, poetry, and essays.
The lame story of how I figured this out was an encounter with a luser with the handle of “ForumRuler” mocking me even though he didn’t know me. I was about ten and not going to let it go. I had a “Well, I rule more than you do.” attitude and online persona. We went back and forth and finally he threw the gauntlet down. He challenged me to a contest of words. The rules were that we write a poem about our own awesomness. Who ever wrote the better one would be the true forum ruler. I think he was expecting an easy win because I was “Huh… never wrote a poem before”.
We were working something close to real time, both online, so I wrote:
You first hear footsteps,
Then the smile,
You know you will be dead,
In a little while,
You say why me?
You whine and run,
But you know what will happen,
She is the one,
She is the one I say,
The one you despise,
She is strong and charming,
and she is wise,
Whom is she you say,
Why has she come?
It doesn’t matter,
Your life is done.
He admitted it was ‘not bad’ having posted four lines of clever ‘roses are red I rule ‘n stuff’ and I never heard from him again. He probably had to change his handle and start over. I, on the other hand, found it very satisfying and started writing for the sake of writing actual works for the first time.
Notepad and I would sit down and write poems, story lines, dialogs, beginnings, middles, ends, and scenes. I wrote about taverns without ever have been drunk. I wrote about dueling with swords and sorcery, even though I’d never fenced. The real bits were always in the poetry and the characters. I only wrote about emotions, motivations, and interactions as I understood them. This was the a part of writing I fell in love with.
My true motivations for writing were somewhere between escape and expression. I felt better after all the jumbled thoughts in my head came out and made some sense on paper. Those thoughts didn’t have to be me, they became characters in far off worlds with much more important things to accomplish. They had much bigger trials to face.
The stories in my head were no longer just bedtime stories to myself after closing my eyes. They bore some sense of importance that I might one day get them down properly and share them with others.