Email Phobia

My regular email lately has become full of nasty, unexciting STUFF. I don’t want to look at it. I have to weed through what I do and don’t want to read or deal with at the moment to get to any good morsel. It’s to the point where I am actively procrastinating when it comes to checking it.

All the potentially good, amusing, heart warming stuff is on Twitter, Facebook, etc. Email is now full of almost exclusively nasty-bits.

This is bad. I used to love checking email. It was a pleasure to hear from people I correspond with, read writing they sent to me, read news, etc. Now, it’s mostly bills, spam, customer service, or other unpleasantness.

When did email start being exactly like snail mail?

Myst Vanity

On the way to work today I drove behind someone from Rhode Island (at my own peril). They had a vanity plate that said “RIVENT”.

My mind immediately jumps to “Man, that person must really like Myst to have a plate that says Riven on it.”

Then my geek morning addled mind realizes that this person probably thinks that Myst is a misspelling of the stuff that perpetually hangs around Providence, also known as fog.

Then begs to question what this license plate actually was being so vain about. RIVENT… like a Rhode Island vent? Or maybe Rhode Island event?

I’m glad I have this commute every morning to contemplate what is most important in life.